

Sunday, July 29, 2012


I dared to indulge in a daydreamy, glowing post about the amazing house on Tyson, inviting others to share in my anxious excitement, and a few hours later got a call from my father-in-law that our agent found out there is already an offer on the table. And a hefty one, too. One we can't outbid. We are devastated. We had anticipated the unlikely but possible kinks that could arise, but this is one we certainly didn't expect - he should have done his homework before taking us. We never even should have seen the house. And now Merrick is less appealing because we let ourselves love Tyson.

Merrick is beautiful, though it did have a couple of drawbacks. We came home from seeing it set on making an offer. But we figured we should just see this last one we'd been told about before doing so. And we fell hopelessly in love. And now it's gone. Could we wait it out in case it falls through? Sure, but that's a gamble because we could end up with nothing. We DID love Merrick before seeing Tyson. Myrtle Beach looks like a great vacation and you're completely happy with it until you think you might be able to go to St. Thomas for the same price. Then when no flights are available to the Caribbean, Myrtle Beach is a bit of a bummer. How do you regain that initial excitement? Does this mean we SHOULDN'T be bidding on Merrick? Was this to keep us away from it? Do I even believe in signs like that?

We loved the house in Merrick. We loved how unique it was, how much character it had, the beautiful kitchen, the sweet backyard. But it has nothing on Tyson. We dreamed ourselves right into that house, no matter how much we tried not to. I could picture where the Christmas tree would go, how we'd be able to pull up the driveway in the back and go right into the kitchen with our groceries, where we'd put a vegetable garden.

Will we be happy in Merrick? Sure. But I worry that I'll always wonder how nice it would have been to have that super short commute, to be able to walk up to a sweet village, to make that beautiful home ours. If we had just never seen it, we would be ecstatic over Merrick. That kills me.

I hope I can let it go. Time heals. And who knows, maybe Merrick is gone too and we will just start over.

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