

Thursday, June 5, 2014


As I wrote about Sunday, my initial Day 10 exam showed one egg at 13mm so I was told to come back Tuesday. The nurse did mention that I had an unusual number of immature follicles, about 22 on each ovary. She said 4 to 7 is normal and asked if I have polycystic ovaries. I said I had never been diagnosed with it, and she said that because my hormones are normal and I ovulate regularly and have regular periods, I probably don't have polycystic ovarian syndrome but could have polycystic ovaries which is different. I said that I would imagine someone would have mentioned this to me before now if I typically have that many follicles because I've had many, many sonograms by this point, and could it be the Clomid giving me more? She said that's possible, and that since this is her first scan, I should ask my regular sonographer what my baseline is, though there is nothing to worry about either way.

Well, apparently it WAS the Clomid. I went back in Tuesday and had FOUR mature follicles! They were at 10mm, 13mm, 15.5mm, and 21mm. And my lining was thick and beautiful. I'd had no side effects from the Clomid, but the lowest dose made me produce four eggs?? I was so shocked and just so, so happy because now we could be in a better place to figure out what direction we want to go if this round doesn't work.

I was also starting to surge, so the nurse told me to take my injection between 8:30 and 9:00 that night and to go in Thursday morning at 8:30 for the procedure. The last three times, I've been told to take the injection that night and go in the next morning, and then I end up having to go in again the following day because my egg hasn't dropped yet. So maybe they are starting to figure out my body's patterns and realized there was no point in doing IUI the next day and that I might as well give the shot its full 36 hours in my body before doing it. I was off of work for Shavuot and we had already bought the other vial, so I kind of wish they had just done me both days anyway, just in case!

babymaking tools

I felt ovulation pangs Tuesday afternoon, but it wasn't a surprise that the 21mm was ready to pop. I just kept hoping that the rest wouldn't be released for another day, and at their current size, that should be a safe assumption. There was no sonogram today since they didn't need to determine whether I should come in the next day, so I don't really know for sure how many eggs were still there or if any were already released.

Today was a simpler process than ever before. I got there a little early, as always, and this time they went ahead and started thawing it as soon as I got in instead of waiting until my appointment time. There was also only one other person in the waiting room, and usually it's half-full to full. I got in quickly and, because there was no sonogram, the procedure was quick. And I didn't even feel it, which has only happened one other time (not feeling anything is a good sign since your cervix is softest when you're ovulating). And the nurse let me know that there were 15 MILLION sperm this time! We have never had more than 10, and even that was only once. It's been around 8 every time.

With 15 million motile sperm and hopefully 3 viable eggs...I think it's safe to say that if this round doesn't work, we will be willing to consider switching donors. And really that's what I needed most: direction. We've been floundering trying to figure out how far to take this and what the next step should be. But our chances are really maximized right now, so we both feel pretty confident in trying something different if this doesn't work. Of course I've been praying for pregnancy, because how could I not, but I don't see God as a wish-fulfiller so I've prayed more for direction, for certainty in what we should do next.

Shavuot put me in such a peaceful and receptive place yesterday, and I have let the stress melt away. I went into this in a different state of mind and am hopeful and positive, both because we have an improved chance of pregnancy with these improved numbers, and because no matter what the outcome is, we know what to do next.

laying down on the ride home

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