

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Early Symptoms

I will be five weeks on Monday, and I read on my WebMD pregnancy app (which has really cool images and facts about each week - the science of pregnancy, not the fluff, though I have an app for that too) that this week is the most important as far as influencing the creation of the gestational sac and how it will support and nurture my baby. So I'm taking a week-long vacation from Flonase. My doctor said it would only be an issue if you were injecting it into your uterus, but that it stays in your nasal passages and it's better for my baby that I'm breathing well and getting enough oxygen. He said his own wife used Flonase throughout all her pregnancies. I tried anyway about a month ago to see if I could go without it, to see if Zyrtec by itself would be sufficient to manage my allergies, and I made it about four or five days before I became miserable with sneezing and congestion. I know the benefits should outweigh the risks when considering any medication in pregnancy, and clearly that is the case here, but I want to try to make it through week five without it. Just that one crucial week, and then I'll return to my regular medication regimen.

In the meantime, my symptoms are few but severe, which is comforting. I welcome anything that reminds me I'm pregnant and lets me know that things are probably going the way they should be. My breasts have been tender and my nipples sore since Monday, and it's only gotten worse by the day. I know that as my body adjusts to the rising hormone levels, that will decrease, but until then it's reassuring. Nicole asks me every couple of hours, "They still hurt, right? Good." We are both comforted by these signs. They're also quite a bit bigger, which I'm thoroughly enjoying since I've never made it past a B cup (and that's only because I'm wide enough that they don't have A cups in my size, or else I could probably fit into that) so it's nice to look down and see them filling out.

I've had a few smell sensitivities. My first was before the positive test, and actually the day that I had broken down crying because I was convinced I wasn't pregnant. My coworker came into my office with her lunch, and I said, "ughhh, what is that smell??" She was a bit insulted and said, "it's just beef! Hibachi beef." I apologized for my reaction but wanted to gag as the odor filled my office. Then the Tuesday after finding out, someone brought ribs into our team meeting and the smell grossed me out.

Yesterday's incident was the craziest, though. I was taking a shower and suddenly smelled old, wet towels. I guess that's mildew. I looked around to see if there were old towels around, and there weren't. It was so overpowering that I couldn't just finish showering. I was on a mission: must find and eradicate the source of this odor! It wasn't until I was sniffing every surface of the shower that I realized this wasn't normal, and also that it's not something that would have built up overnight, so why wouldn't I have noticed it yesterday if it was so strong today? I finally identified the source of it, where the sliding glass doors overlap, and I scrubbed those areas down until they smelled beautiful and I could focus on my shower again.

I didn't intend for my blog to be a "pregnancy journal," but it's going to serve that purpose as well since I want to remember this experience.

1 comment:

  1. YESSSS so pregnant! Pregnancy journal blog posts are awesome to look back on and one day share with the bug :).
