

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Our Little Thumper

Just over two weeks ago, at 21 weeks pregnant, my wife felt the baby move for the first time. Out of respect for her privacy and just the fact that this is not my narrative to process and share, I will just say that she struggled a bit with insecurities in the beginning, not only as the nonbiological parent, but also just as the one whose body this was not happening in, which made her feel a bit excluded. I knew she had reached a point of connection when I woke up one night, around two or three months pregnant, to her hand rubbing my belly. I pretended to still be asleep so I wouldn’t embarrass her because I didn’t want her to stop and I wanted her to have that private moment of connection. But I brought it up sweetly and gently the next day, and she had no memory of it! She must have been doing it in her sleep, which is even more significant to me.

Then within a few weeks of my feeling the first flutters of movement, she started getting really antsy to feel the baby move. She would ask me at least once a day, “Can I feel it yet? When will I be able to?” and would say almost every time I remarked on movement, “Can you feel it on the outside? But just put your hand there in case. Just try.” This was inevitably followed by disappointment when I broke it to her that the baby could still not be felt on the outside.

About two weeks ago, after battling a cough for some time, my wife finally agreed to take the day off work to go to the doctor. I had been sleeping very poorly, as it is taking a while for me to adjust to sleeping on my side instead of my back, and decided after my alarm went off that I would take the day off as well to accompany her to the doctor. My wife was sleeping downstairs on the couch in an effort to keep me from catching her cold. I got up to use the bathroom, and when I returned to bed, I lay on the opposite side from the side I had been on before, and almost immediately felt some serious thumping. I knew as soon as I felt it that it would be able to be felt from the outside, so I put my hand down the waistband of my low-rise pajama pants where I had felt it, and sure enough, there was one and then two big throbbing motions. My heart racing, I walked downstairs, calmly fed the cats, and then woke my wife. I said, “It may have stopped by now, but I just felt the baby from the outside, if you want to come upstairs and lay with me to see if you can feel it.” She eagerly jumped up and followed me upstairs.

Assuming that the baby had been moving so furiously after being sloshed around with my getting up and then back down on a different side, I swished my hips around while standing and then moved from side to side a little once I got into bed in an effort to agitate it again. I lay on my wife’s side of the bed because I knew I had to be on my left side in order for her to have her hand on my right side where I had felt the movement. I told her to be patient and warned her gently that it may not happen again, maybe not even for days. We just lay there in bed, without the pressure of having to get up and ready for work, her hand on my lower abdomen and my hand over hers. After just a minute or two (that felt like ten), there was one, big, very distinct THUMP on the palm of her hand before it settled back down and nothing more was felt like that for almost a week. The smile on my wife’s face was priceless. She said, “Oh my God, what WAS that????”

I felt so, so grateful that this happened while we were both home to share in it. If it had happened while I was at work and then not for another week, I know my wife would have been so frustrated and antsy. She was eager to feel it again, but was content with having felt it this once, and earlier than we had braced ourselves for. Since that morning, she has been talking to my belly nonstop, putting her face right next to it and saying, “Buuuuuuuggy, wake up, Bug! I love you!” It has happened a few more times (and mostly at home, luckily!) where I’ve been able to call my wife over to feel the baby move just a few times before it settles down again, and it provides such powerful connection for both my wife and the baby, as well as for the three of us at once.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

20 Weeks

I'm at 22 weeks now, but never posted after our 20 week sonogram. Even though the excitement of it has died down a bit (just in that it's already a distant memory), I really want to remember these things later. I am the type to read my old posts over and over because I love re-experiencing moments in my life.

The 20 week sonogram is for an anatomy scan. They do it now because everything is formed that they need to see, and baby can still move around a lot so they can get the different views they need. Because they have a long list of things they have to check for, you get a nice chunk of time watching baby on the screen! I had been waiting for this sonogram impatiently for eight weeks, though the last two weeks I was less antsy since I could now feel the baby. Feeling it gave me a lot of the reassurance and connection that I look to sonograms for. 

As soon as we saw Bug on the screen, it was just like this beautiful sense of peace and contentment. Oh there you are, little one, hi! The legs were bicycling like crazy, and I said to my wife, "See?? See why I'm feeling so much movement already??" The radiologist did something to highlight the bones white, and it was so cool to see little baby skeleton! She also did something to color blood red and blue so you could see what was going in and what was going out. She checked the brain and the four chambers of the heart and each little limb and bone. She said, "your baby is perfect," and what a relief that is to hear! She also said that our baby was stubborn - well, we knew that from the 12 week sonogram! It stopped turning around and they needed a different angle to finish checking the heart. They had me lay on each side for several minutes, go to the bathroom, walk around, and after each time the baby was still in the same position. The radiologist said that stuff usually works, and she was getting anxious because she needed to finish the scan and couldn't. She said, "okay, one final effort - let me get you a lollipop, and walk around while you give it sugar." That did the trick!

HOLY CRAP HALFWAY THROUGH PREGNANCY. When we realized a couple days ago that we were almost at 22 weeks and only had 18 left to go, it was such a shock to know we had less time left than what we had already gone through. It doesn't seem like much when I think of all we need to do to prepare, but at the same time, it feels like such a long time til we meet our baby! I always thought I'd feel grateful for the many months I had to enjoy peace and sleep and "us"-ness, and that it would go too fast. But honestly, it already feels like the baby is part of our family, and it feels strange to not be able to hold it and see its face. What are you like, little bug? What does your face look like? Are you a boy or a girl? What makes you content and what makes you cranky? What does your laugh sound like? Who are you??